The UConn SPARK Program strives to provide a safe, secure, educational, and fun environment for our summer programs’ participants. In order to achieve this, we ask that all parents, guardians, and participants acknowledge the policies below:
For Application-Based Programs
These programs require the interested party to submit an application, and in some cases, other documentation. Submission of an application does not represent acceptance. Participants will be notified of their status of acceptance. Registration and documentation are required for the participant to be considered for enrollment in these programs.
Code of Conduct
As a condition of participation in our programs, all registrants and their parents/guardians agree to abide by the terms of our Summer Programs Participant Agreement and Code of Conduct.
Refund Policy
Our refund policy is as follows:
Requests for program transfers, changes or cancellations must be communicated in writing to the Vergnano Institute for Inclusion (formerly the Engineering Diversity and Outreach Center) at engr-inclusion@uconn.edu, and cannot be made via the online registration system.
Late withdrawal due to injury or illness will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and will require a note from a physician – if a refund is granted, it may not be processed until programs are over.
No refund or reduction in program fees will be made for a student who arrives to the program late, leaves the program early, or is dismissed from the program due to violation of the program guidelines.
Absences, Late Arrivals, and Early Dismissal
In the event that your child will be absent from, or will arrive late, please contact the Vergnano Institute for Inclusion at engr-spark@uconn.edu to notify us. If you need to make arrangements for an early dismissal, please speak with our staff at check-in so that we can make arrangements for you. Please note that we do not staff the drop-off and pick-up location all day. All early dismissals will be escorted by a staff member to be picked up by a parent, guardian, or other authorized adult. We cannot accommodate a special pick-up, and you must plan to pick your child up at the regularly scheduled location and time.