"Bridge provided me with a great college experience over the summer. At first I was nervous about dorming and living on my own until I met all the awesome and amazing people in Bridge. Once you get to know your roommate and everyone at Bridge the experience will be more joyful. One of my recommendations is to to bring an alarm clock that wakes you up if your a deep sleeper as well as your daily things you use at home such speakers, small TV, small fridge, snacks, A LOT of FANS (2-4), extension cords, clothes (professionally, daily use, all purpose), detergent & other things to clean clothes, dress shoes, ties, toiletries, flip-flops, plastic carrier to bring toiletries to shower, cash, towels, phone charger, school supplies, backpacks (small & big), flash drive, and other things that you would want to bring. Bridge also allowed me to meet students from different majors and make new friends. The tutors are awesome people as well as the entire staff. FYI be prepared for COLLEGE in general.
Good luck new Bridgies!!!!"