Smart Films and Flexible Electronics
Faculty: Dr. Kyungjin Kim
Imagine our smartphones, smartwatches, cardiac pacemakers, and batteries are made in the form of lightweight thin films and further attachable on your skins like tattoos! Wearable and implantable electronics are developing fast as next-generation form factors and highly interdisciplinary research areas comprised of electrical and mechanical engineering, micro-nano and materials science, and chemical and biomedical engineering.
The workshop will start with the introduction of various thin-film applications with eye-catching video materials, followed by electronics basics, device structures, materials that are essential ingredients to design mechanically and electrically reliable thin-film devices.
Teachers participating in this workshop will have the opportunity to design and integrate simple exemplary thin-film electronic circuits, encapsulate them, and operate devices under various mechanical deformations and environments underwater. Through this workshop, teachers can offer multiple fun projects for the students!
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Fellowships Available: One (1)
Recommended For
This workshop is highly recommended for Math, Physics, and General Science teachers.
Host Department Major: Mechanical Engineering