A Typical Weekday
We hope you are awake and ready by the time we knock on your door, but just in case, our counselors will provide a courtesy knock around 8:00 AM.
You need to meet the group in the lobby by 8:15 AM
We will enjoy breakfast in the dining halls. There are hot and cold breakfast options served buffet style.
We will bring you several engineering labs and facilities on campus. Sometimes we'll start the day with a tour, and sometimes we will start with a presentation.
Most tours will require closed-toe shoes so our counselors will let you know what to wear the night before.
Major Presentations
Either before a tour, or after, we have incredible School of Engineering faculty to share more about their discipline and what you can do with it!
Each day, we'll have a different major or discipline presenting for approximately 45 minutes
Week 1:
- Monday: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
- Tuesday: Mechanical Engineering
- Wednesday: Materials Science and Engineering
- Thursday: Electrical Engineering
Week 2:
- Monday: Biomedical Engineering
- Tuesday: Civil Engineering
- Wednesday: Environmental Engineering
- Thursday: Computer Science and Engineering
Snack Break
After the presentation, we will have a 15 minute break with snacks available!
Major Exploration Activity
Following each major's presentation, our counselors will split the group into three smaller groups for a hands on activity!
This activity is meant to be a fun taste of principles or concepts that engineers in this discipline use.
We will enjoy lunch in the dining halls. Lunch options change daily but there are plenty of healthy choices, as well as comfort staples like pizza or burgers and fries.
We are thrilled to have some of a lineup of amazing engineers join our explorers to share a bit more about themselves and their work.
Some of our speakers are UConn College Engineering Alumni who are now working as engineers in the field. Some are friends who work in industries we partner or collaborate with, such as Collins Aerospace and Electric Boat.
Some are current faculty who are working on unique projects, such as Human Factors Engineering, or Engineering for Human Rights. Everyone of our speakers has a story to tell
Here is a concentrated block to work on a consistent project throughout the 2 weeks of camp. These are hands-on activities designed to engage, inspire, and challenge students. Our student staff will be ready to mentor and guide you throughout this challenge.
This year, our Grand Challenges are:
- Manufacturing our Machines (MOM)
- Innovating our Infrastructures (IOI)
- Enhancing our Ecosystems (EOE)
- Adapting our Anatomy (AOA)
We were able to place every Explorer in their first or second choice Grand Challenge Project in the camp!
We will enjoy dinner in the dining halls. Dinner options change daily but there are plenty of healthy choices.
These activities are meant for community building and fun! Our counselors have planned a few different options each day, with options available for different personality types or energies.
Examples of high energy activities: Outdoor basketball, soccer, volleyball, kickball
Examples of medium energy activities: Video game tournament, board games
Examples of low energy activities: Yoga, meditation, painting, listening to music
Free time will be in the dorms. This is a great time to call family, catch up on social media, or connect with fellow Explorers.
Our counselors will ensure every Explorer is in their room and ready to recharge for tomorrow's adventure.
A Typical Weekend
After we let you sleep in just a little, we can go to the dining hall for our normal breakfast buffet
Celebrating diversity in STEM
Lunch will be in the dining halls with our normal buffet
Activities will vary depending on weather and group votes the evening before.
Examples could include:
- Community movie
- Group outdoor games
- Indoor games
- Arts and crafts
Dinner will be in the dining halls
Activities range from outdoor games, to indoor video game tournaments, to karaoke or arts and crafts
Counselors will ensure Explorers are in their rooms.
The program cost is $2999.
- If you choose not to stay the weekend (7/12-7/13), you will receive a discount of $250
We are exploring the ability to provide transportation from (1) Bradley International Airport, (2) Hartford, (3) New Haven
This would be an additional $50 round trip if selected.
Full and partial financial is available to those with financial need! We DO NOT want cost to be a barrier for application or participation.
Deadline to Apply:
Early bird deadline: April 1, 2025 by 11:59 PM
- Decisions will be shared by April 8, 2025
Deadline**: April 15, 2025 by 11:59 PM
- Decisions will be shared by April 30, 2025
**Depending on availability we may accept students after the deadline on a rolling basis