Available Research Opportunities

Below are research opportunities that allow you to not only gain valuable work experience, but research areas of your interest!

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Position Title: Catalyst Development for Sustainable Chemical Processes
Preferred majors: Chemical Engineers

Date Posted: 5/3/2024

Advisor: Dr.Hannah Lewis

Expected Hours per week: 8-12

Position Title: Automated control systems for wind turbine efficiency optimization
Preferred majors: Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Environmental Engineering 

Date Posted: 5/2/2024

Advisor: Dr.Jane Smith

Expected Hours per week: 10-15

Position Title: Urban Water Management and Infrastructure Resilience Study
Preferred majors: Mechanical Engineering

Date Posted: 5/9/2024

Advisor: Dr.Henry Gomez

Expected Hours per week: 9-14

Position Title: Climate Change Impact Analysis on Coastal Structures 
Preferred majors: Environmental Engineering

Date Posted: 5/10/2024

Advisor: Dr.Alex Rivera

Expected Hours per week: 12-16