- About -

Our unofficial non-living and learning community! BOSS LADI is an acronym for Building our Sistas’ Strengths, Leveraging Adversity, Diversity and Intellect. It is designed to support the success of Black and Latina women in STEM.

Anyone is welcome to join!

- Courses -

  • ENGR 3022: This course is intended to build the confidence, communication, and leadership skills of particularly Black and Latinx women in STEM so that they have the agency and ability to step into leadership roles (especially in higher levels of management) in varying environments (academia, government, industry, etc.) and know they can affect change. This course will also assist students in preparation for academic success through exposure to resources, guest speakers, and discussions in and outside of class. Focuses on building – networks, confidence and capacity
      • Credits: 2 credits
      • How to enroll: Permission number required. Please contact
      • When: Fall and Spring Semester
      • Who: Undergraduate students who support the success of womxn in STEM that identify as Black, Latinx, Indigenous, or Multiracial/cultural. This course is open to any UConn student regardless of their race, gender, or other identities
  • ENGR 3024: This course is intended to continue to build upon the confidence, communication, and leadership skills of underrepresented undergraduate women (particularly Black and Latinx) in STEM so that they have the agency and ability to step into leadership roles (especially in higher levels of management) in varying environments (academia, government, industry, etc.) and know they can affect change. This course will also assist students in preparation for academic success through exposure to resources, guest speakers, and discussions in and outside of class. Focuses on refinement – communication, agency, and leadership.
      • Credits: 3 credits
      • How to enroll: Please e-mail to inquire for enrollment information.
      • When: Spring Semester
      • Who: Undergraduate students who support the success of womxn in STEM that identify as Black, Latinx, Indigenous, or Multiracial/cultural and who have taken ENGR 3022. This course is open to any UConn student regardless of their race, gender, or other identities

- Student Portfolios -

Kathrina Exantus

Shanay Thoms

Zyaja Huggan

Abena Adzenyah

Ashaleigh Pitter

Victoria Ballestas

Amanda Lee

Rihanna Foote

Briona Hall

Gabrielle Vassell

Benedicta Agbonor

Stephanie Okyere

Kyla Levers

Rahma Ibet